Flexicurity: A Solution for Tourism Labour Market Mobility and Security?
Posted on January 27, 2013
There have been a number of stories emerging in the media recently that highlight the disconnect between the unemployed, underemployed or those who wish to change jobs… and employers struggling to find qualified and motivated employees. Paradoxically, indicators show that the tourism sector in Canada is facing a pending labour shortage. Some employers and levels of government have been supporting the introduction of immigrant labour to address the dichotomy of these shortages with mixed responses from the public and stakeholders. One solution may be to enhance training and resources for the resident workforce. However, there are many complicating factors in the mix which may require more comprehensive intervention at many levels. One potential solution which has shown some promise in Northern Europe is the concept of Flexicurity, which “attempts to reconcile employers’ need for a flexible workforce with workers’ need for security“. I wrote a research brief on the topic of Flexicurity in 2010 (I provided an update from the 2011 Travel & Tourism Competitiveness Report)…have a look:
Flexicurity and Competitiveness – Left Coast Insights