tourism, hospitality, education, community, strategy
Left Coast Insights is a tourism management consulting firm specializing in research, strategy, and development to provide communities and public-sector organizations with insights that create competitive advantage in visitor attraction, experience, and sustainability.
We support tourism and hospitality sector development, community economic and business development, sales and marketing strategy, project management, stakeholder facilitation, market research, feasibility analysis, visitor forecasting and modeling, guest experience development, training and education, and destination development.

Project: Mid-Coast Ferry Situation and Outlook Report
Left Coast Insights in partnership with Wave Point consulting were contracted to identify the best steps required to restore and build tourism on BC’s north and mid-coast, including affected mainland portions of BC. The review addressed issues related to the cost of travel on the ferry service, as well as gaps in the delivery of ferry service to the region.

Project: Sustainable Tourism Management Action Plan for Northern Bruce Peninsula (NPB), Ontario
Regional Tourism Organization 7 (RTO7) in partnership with the Municipality of Northern Bruce Peninsula, the County of Bruce, Parks Canada, and the Bruce Peninsula Environment Group commissioned Left Coast Insights and their partners, Twenty31, to undertake a Sustainable Tourism Management Action Plan for the Municipality of Northern Bruce Peninsula, to ensure the tourism sector contributes positively to the social, cultural, environmental, and economic well-being of the community and throughout the region.