Clients and Projects

Clients and Projects

Left Coast Insights in partnership with Wave Point consulting were contracted to identify the best steps required to restore and build tourism on BC’s north and mid-coast, including affected mainland portions of BC. The review addressed issues related to the cost of travel on the ferry service, as well as gaps in the delivery of ferry service to the region.

Regional Tourism Organization 7 (RTO7) in partnership with the Municipality of Northern Bruce Peninsula, the County of Bruce, Parks Canada, and the Bruce Peninsula Environment Group has commissioned Left Coast Insights and their partners, Twenty31, to undertake a Sustainable Tourism Management Action Plan for the Municipality of Northern Bruce Peninsula, to ensure the tourism sector contributes positively to the social, cultural, environmental, and economic well-being of the community and throughout the region.

BC Ministry of Tourism, Arts, Culture and Sport – Rail Trail Corridor Analysis

Explore Edmonton – Indigenous Tourism Development Strategy 

Indigenous Tourism Association of Canada – International Competitive Analysis

Destination British Columbia – Remarkable Experiences Program Online Conversion

City of Vernon5 Year Tourism Strategic Business Plan

Online Dialogic Workshops – Stormy Lake Consulting

Indigenous Tourism Association of Canada and Parks Canada – Indigenous Tourism Operator’s Toolkit

Village of Valemount – Strategic Business Plan, Visitor Market Research, Governance Structure

Tourism Saskatchewan – Governance Structure for Iconic Visitor Experience

Indigenous Services CanadaStrategic Partnerships Initiative, Alberta

Royal Roads University, School of Tourism & Hospitality Management – Rebuilding Tourism & Hospitality: B.C. Resource Forum

Destination British Columbia – Designing Remarkable Experiences Workshop Facilitation

Indigenous Tourism Association of Canada – COVID-19 Development Stimulus Grand Applications Adjudication

Williams Lake Mountain Bike Tourism Marketing Strategy

Indigenous Tourism Association of CanadaSaskatchewan Indigenous Tourism Strategy

Tourism Nunatsiavut – Torngat Mountains Basecamp & Research Station Strategy

Parks Canada – Visitor Experience Strategy: Planning, Facilitation, and Writing Services

Indigenous Tourism Association of Canada – Five Year Strategy Plan Update 2019-2024

Indigenous Tourism Association of Canada – Manitoba Indigenous Tourism Strategy

Tourism Prince Rupert – Analysis of Northern BC Ferry Routes to improve ferry services dialogue with provincial government and BC Ferries

Destination British Columbia – Destination Development Program Facilitator

Regional Tourism Organization 7 (RTO7, Ontario) in partnership with the Municipality of Northern Bruce Peninsula, the County of Bruce, Parks Canada and the Bruce Peninsula Environmental Group have engaged Twenty31 (and LCI) for the development of a Sustainable Tourism Management Action Plan

City of Nanaimo – Tourism Advisory Consulting for the development of a Governance Strategy towards creation of a new Destination Management Organization

Destination Canada – Qualitative & Quantitative Research Services

Destination British Columbia – Secondary Research and Technical Writing Services

Greater Victoria Harbour Authority – Business Concept Feasibility Analysis

British Columbia Ministry of Jobs, Tourism & Skills Training, Tourism Policy Branch – Context Report and Provincial Tourism Action Plan to Support Indigenous Tourism

Tourism Vancouver Island (4VI) – Trails Tourism Master Plan

City of Lethbridge – Destination Management Plan

Fort Chipewyan – Tourism Opportunity Assessment – Alberta Ministry of Tourism & Sport

Destination British Columbia – Corporate Strategy Situation Analysis Briefs

Central Alberta – Destination Management Plan

Indigenous Tourism British Columbia – Mid-Coast Ferry Service Situation & Outlook Report

Treaty7 Management Corporation – Tourism Strategic Plan

Mount Seymour Resorts Ltd.
Client and community analysis and group sales team training workshops

Stakeholder Integration Analysis of a Back-Country Managed Recreation Area Pilot Project British Columbia Ministry of Tourism, Culture and the Arts