Mid-Coast Ferry Situation and Outlook Report
Mid-Coast Ferry Situation and Outlook Report
Indigenous Tourism Association of British Columbia
Left Coast Insights in partnership with Wave Point consulting were contracted to identify the best steps required to restore and build tourism on BC’s north and mid-coast, including affected mainland portions of BC. The review addressed issues related to the cost of travel on the ferry service, as well as gaps in the delivery of ferry service to the region. The consulting team provided practical and timely analysis and advice with respect to opportunities for improving the provision of marine ferry transportation, while also giving consideration to other factors such as local demand for passenger transportation and freight.
Example of Context Analysis development, including desk research, literature review, direct stakeholder interviews and meetings, and a business survey.
- Development of a Context Report that included demand and supply analysis considerations including the identification of: 1) Travel motivation and tourism demand drivers; 2) A comparative assessment of service supply models for meeting travel demands; 3) Best practices for addressing the perceived gaps in service delivery and performance. The consultant considered over 20 guiding questions to complete the research and analysis.
- An understanding of tourism trends and demand-side factors were key considerations for tourism operators to adapt their offerings in alignment with evolving target markets.
Mid-Coast Ferry Situation and Outlook Report
In order to understand local, regional, and extended impacts, the consultant engaged key stakeholders through interviews and multiple facilitated planning committee meetings.
- Project management.
- Writing of situation analysis, including an analysis of tourism trends, local demand, International in-bound travel demand, market attributes, tourism impacts, tourism gap and opportunity analysis (revealing untapped tourism potential).
- Secondary research.
- Development of SWOT analysis.
- Facilitation of key stakeholder meetings and conducted interviews.
Report production. - Presentations of findings, options and implications, including tourism development and marketing strategy, and government support issues to key stakeholder groups, including the Board of Directors of the Indigenous Tourism Association of BC, and Assistant Deputy Ministers and staff from the Ministry of Jobs, Tourism, and Skills Training, and the Ministry of Transportation.
The Indigenous Tourism Association of British Columbia subsequently released a new report: “Tourism Development and Ferry Services: A Vision for First Nations and Rural Communities on BC’s Central Coast and North Island” built upon the research and stakeholder engagement outputs from the previous Left Coast Insights & Wave Point consultant report. Outputs of both reports were designed to inform the planning committee and government stakeholders on the options and implications of select tourism transportation opportunities in alignment with the needs of local tourism businesses and residents, and the interests of tourists. Ferry service was restored to the Mid-Coast of BC late in the 2018 tourism season. The subsequent full 2019 season was considered to be a success with a significant boost for tourism to the region as a result of the reinstated ferry service.